Welcome to [ IN TRANSIT ], my creative home. There, not there yet.
Home to my thoughts, views and pictures, apart from the common platforms.
Framing pictures with a context, yet let them functioning alone.
My focus is set on 35mm film photography, street, still life, furthermore I´d like to shoot people, faces, encounters.
[ IN TRANSIT ] – the prequel
Airports have designated transit zones, you apply for transit visas, you wait for connecting flights, sit in waiting areas.
Being there – not being there yet. A state of being processed, waited, seated to be transfered, connected, transported. More or less: going through.
Nothing else is life, is photography, art.
The comforting aspect is: transition is part of life.
Allowing myself „to be processed“.
As a person obsessed with pastimes, emotions, encounters, memories, the whole transit idea is comforting.
Accepting, there is nothing fixed forever, no state of mind, no memory, no human behaviour, anything and everything is changing.
To remind myself.
Be in transit.
The name of a new project.
Ideas in mind to be explored.
Evolving, changing. Free.
[goods or people that are in transit are being transported from one place to another] *Cambridge Dictionary